I have not blogged about this yet but here you go. We got a house and lot in Sta. Rosa last year and we are currently doing some renovations and extensions before we finally move in. Will share more about this next time. Hehe.

So today, Saturday, we visited #BautisTahanan and we’re pretty impressed with how the construction is going. It’s only our 6th week and they have already accomplished more than half of the deliverables. Super grateful to Mark and the kuya workers who are all mabait and masipag and magaling.

Our kitchen!


Today felt like meh just like the past days, still has clogged nose. But the good thing is, I was able to do chores despite feeling unwell. I knew I needed a massage so I got one. I instantly felt relieved after an hour of stretch and pressure on the body. Ate Aubrey of Regent Spa is awesome! Ang galing!

My day went by without any grand happening so I guess that’s it for today. Oh, I am doing my best not to get mad at Monica as I put her to sleep. Haha. I really really try to be as gentle as possible because even though she loves me at my worst, I don’t want her to grow up needing to accept such behavior just because she loves someone.


Okay, so I almost forgot to write something for today! It’s 10:41pm, Monica is hugging me tightly while I watch ep7 of Extraordinary Atty Woo.

Another day of colds and cough and nowadays, it’s enough warrant to be worried. But we finally bought our own antigen kit and got ourselves tested — hooray for a very clear one line that says we are negative. And thankfully, none of the people I got close encounter with over the weekend has symptoms. So I guess this is just a regular cold.

Another day of being a mother. Monica wrote me a song today, a very sweet song at that. I always wonder why and how she’s always affectionate and loving to me when I don’t think I am worthy of the unlimited hugs and kisses. Maybe she’s just a naturally good and loving child. Or maybe, she really sees beyond my short temper. Oh I love my kid.

Another day of house construction, so far so good. I planned on blogging about the house journey but I just cant find the words hehe. Anyway, I am just happy that we’re more than half way and come October, we are moving in. Yay!

okay, bye. See ya tomorrow.


I read somewhere that building a habit makes one productive — and one of the things recommended, is to write at least a few sentences each day. So here I am making use of my paid website.

I really like to write my thoughts but somehow, I get clouded with the idea that words have to make sense and I have to transform everything into content. Well, that should not be the case right? Alright here we go, starting today, I will update my blog to remind me of what transpired during the day.

I’ve been coughing and sneezing since yesterday, gladly, no fever nor body pains. I also tested negative when I did the antigen test yesterday. It’s my 2nd year jump anniversary but I cant exercise because I need to rest. Booooo


Another year in this pandemic, another year of closely watching you grow. The world was slowly healing and we were given a chance to spend more time outside with friends and family.

I remember us finally visiting Batangas and spending time with grandma and family because things were relatively safer and we all have gotten our vaccines against the virus. It was spent with so much giggles, excitement, happiness, and sweat. Playing day in day out as if nothing else mattered. I remember visiting mamala and lolo Pol and letting them hug you and play with you.

I remember you entering Kindergarten and how it made you so happy despite the setup being online. It was your second year of distant learning and yet you managed to keep a happy disposition. I remember you being so excited to learn and “chat” with your classmates. I remember how you developed love for learning without being forced.

I remember the stories you wrote, the illustrations you drew, the imaginary world you built. I remember you coming up with ideas in an instant. I remember being so proud with how well you can put your thoughts into words.

I remember how your reading skills has improved and how you can finish an 84-page chapter book in just two hours. I remember going to thrift bookstores multiple times just to get you plenty of books that won’t hurt our wallets. I remember you being okay with not buying anything from the toy store because we don’t want to spend too much.

I remember us going back and forth to our future home because it took a long time to finish. I remember us dreaming on how our days will be once we move to the south. I remember us finally getting a car and how happy we were on road trips regardless of distance. I remember you having a hard time sleeping because of excitement for the the next day’s stroll.

I remember taking you to different places and how your eyes widen on every stop. I remember you being behaved and comfortable in your car seat as I earn my way back to the passenger seat. I remember playing your favorite songs and we didn’t have a choice but to sing along. I remember our travel to Boracay and Baguio and how it made us feel a little normalcy again.

I remember our first family camping trip. I remember so clearly how much nature made you happy and how Summer’s company has made everything the best. I remember going to another camping one after the other; one with your BFF Riley and another one with BFF Summer. I remember swimming in the river and sea even when the sun is too high and we didn’t care at all. I remember you never minding how uncomfortable sleeping in a tent was because you spent the day with so much fun.

I remember how dogs and cats made you so happy that you wished to have one.

I remember you finishing Kindergarten with flying colors. More than your awards, it’s really how much you enjoyed school and the company of your classmates and teachers. Thank you Golden Values School. I remember how elated we were when you finally had a face to face play date in school. I remember you being sad about leaving GVS but at the same time excited for big school.

I remember meeting friends more often and how it made you feel super delighted to play. I remember us going to the playground almost everyday so you can have at least an hour of socialization. I remember making time for my exercise as I watch you run around.

I remember you finally stopped breastfeeding because I ran out of milk. It was bittersweet but we were both ready for it. I was glad we lasted five years and a half.

I remember going back to work albeit freelance and homebased; I was happy but then there’s no job security so when client paused, I had to pause too. I remember stressing about getting another job so I can make money again. I remember turning down job opportunities because it required me to physically go to the office. I remember feeling so down for not being able to contribute more. I remember thanking God because your daddy can afford to give us what we need and want. I remember crying and thinking what could have possibly happened if I did not put my career on hold. I remember you hugging me and thanking me for not leaving you and for not letting another person take care of you. I remember, what a privilege it is to look after you 24/7.

I maybe confused and overwhelmed with all sorts of feelings but one thing is for sure, whatever happens, we will always choose you. I am sure this blog can make us remember how the year has passed but I do hope you will forever keep in mind how loved and cherished you are. You are God’s best gift to mommy and daddy, Monica. We love you so much.

Happy birthday, our shining star.

“It seems that I don’t need you for that anymore.”

Some days, I want her to grow up so she can do more things on her own. But most days, I just want her to stay little and need me a little more.

It’s been a week since Monica started to wash on her own every after bathroom business. I can’t count how many times I asked when will she be able to do it. Not that I want to rush things, but just so she won’t bother me when I am asleep, at work, or simply resting.

Lazy mama you must say, but yes. I have days when I don’t really want to function as a mother. 

One Sunday, when I was napping and Beej was in a meeting (he has Sunday work), Monica woke me up because she wanted to poop. Awoken from a very rare nap, I snapped and her and said “I hate that my sleep is now interrupted! Don’t talk to me first! Let me rest!” I know, I know, too bad of me. I felt guilty after and explained why I got mad.

Almost the same scenario happened again, but this time, Monica did not wake me up. She waited for her daddy’s meeting to finish before calling him even if it meant waiting in the toilet for 30 minutes. I asked why she had to wait, “I don’t want to disturb your sleep, mommy.” My heart was crushed. 

A few days after this incident, she asked me to teach her how to wash herself. So I taught her; showed her how to use the bidet, soap, and so on. At first I was so excited and proud. She learned fast and she seemed to enjoy doing things on her own. Until last night when I decided to secretly watch her wash.

She seemed uncomfortable; imagine, a small built trying to reach the bidet, the soap, while making sure her shirt won’t get wet. It took a long time for her to finish. But as soon as done, she ran to me and shared how she did it as usual. That’s when I cried.

Monica: Mommy why are you crying?

Mommy: Why are you washing your pwet on your own already??

Monica: It seems that I don’t need you for that anymore

Mommy: ????


Oh no don’t cry mommy! I still need you in learning new things. I still need you to take care of me.?

I am sorry for being emotional but it really made me cry. Now I wanted to do all things for her but I know I shouldn’t. No matter how much I stop or delay, this stage will come. I felt guilty for being so lazy but at the same time, I know it was needed.

Haaaaaay. My baby who used to be so clingy and needy is now a big girl. Haaaaaaay. BRB crying again.???


It was a quiet and slow Sunday morning just as how I intended it to be — quiet both online and offline. One second I was browsing my page, the next second, it was gone. Yes. Just like that.

It was so shocking and actually scary because I thought somebody hacked my account. I kept checking what could have gone wrong; checked my mail for any suspicious activity. I could not login and I could not even find my name: all it said was USER NOT FOUND.

I kept calm and thought of what to do next. Good thing I have a two-factor authentication set-up but on my first try, I received a text message with a code. Thankful for presence of mind because I noticed it’s just a regular number (+639198038517) I didn’t input anything and instead tried calling the number – I just heard a weird sign. This was really frightening because the text came as soon as I entered my number. After an hour, I tried the same step but this time, nothing came in. I kept trying until that particular page did not appear anymore.

I never planned on telling anyone about this until some friends started sending me messages — those were messages of concern, panic, and confusion. They were all like “what happened to you? Are you okay? What’s wrong?” HAHAHA. Thanks guys.

As much as I really wanted to feel really bad that time, I was surprisingly okay and calm (thanks to daily exercise I suppose? Haha). I am not trying to be a hypocrite but really, what went on my mind was “I (probably) just lost an IG account not a life.” I know, such big words from a person who spends half of the day on social media. Of course it would be best to have it back, but if worse comes to worst, I was ready to start a new page.

Anyway, here’s what I dealt with for the past three days just so I can get my IG back:

Sunday: I was just really chill, just thinking of possible lost memories — photos, videos, network. I told my husband about this and as usual, he came to the rescue. He asked me to try this and that, he searched for articles and the likes. Nothing worked but he told me “don’t worry, nothing is ever lost”; coming from an IT guy, those words were comforting. I just stuffed myself with beer, junk food, good k-drama and slept it off.

Monday: I tried logging in again, but since it says “no username found” I tried those steps I found online. Yes Instagram’s Help Center is not much useful in this case so we had to search for blogs and articles. Thankfully, this happened to a lot already. Anyway, I tried to click on FORGOT PASSWORD then NEED MORE HELP.

Now this page gave me hope. I filled this out and shortly after, I received an email from Facebook asking me to send them a selfie with the code provided. THERE’S REALLY HOPE, I said. After a few hours, I received another email telling me they disabled my account because I violated Community Guidelines. I was like how, what, why? I never used any bots, never spammed anyone with comments and likes, never bought fake followers, never pretended to be someone else. So why? I just replied with my appeal and sincerely asked them to give it back to me since it’s a decade worth of memories including my daughter’s growing up years.

Tuesday: Still nothing from them. I tried the link from the blog my friend, Marie, sent. It’s a different page but still required me to fill out details. Same thing, I received another email asking me to send a selfie with their code. I sent them another one with another appeal to give it back to me.

The blog Marie sent me:

Here’s the link that can help:

Wednesday: I tried the same thing, sent the “mug shot” and still nothing. Out of the blue, I checked how my Instagram would look like in the web via my laptop. And to my surprise, it asked me for my number and I received a code right away! I tried but it gave me an error message and asked to try again. I put the code one more time and voila, my page is back! Wooohooo! Just like that, it’s up and running again as if nothing happened. HAHAHA. So happy!


I never really knew what my violation was but just to be on the safe side:

Secure your logins. Never click on any suspicious link. Change passwords every now and then. Set-up two-factor authentication.

I won’t ever record use a song from Spotify or any platform again. I will just use those with copyright

I will continue to stay real and only engage with real people. I never used bots or anything and yet IG disabled me. So if you are used to this scheme, please be careful

I will not follow nor unfollow a big number of people all at the same time — IG might flag me for spamming; same with liking and engaging too much

Just chill. If you know for a fact that you did nothing wrong, the truth will always prevail. HAHA.

Lastly and the most important lesson, let’s all get a better life outside social media. Yun lang, hope this helps! ???

“I want to be like you, mommy.”

Lately, Monica’s been expressing her desire to be like me, she would always say “I love you mommy, I want to be like you.”

I asked her why, she said she want to love her baby like how I love her, how I take care of her. Of course this makes me feel like I am doing things right. But I always tell her that mommies do gazillion things a time, gets grumpy and mad, gets tired often. And she will still say, “I still want to be a mommy like you, but I won’t be as sungit.” Haha.

So because of that, she’s been wanting to help me with the chores these days. I guess this is the phase where they want to do what adults do. Every morning she will make the bed and set-up my work station, even pulling up the browser and other tools I need for work. I never taught her that, she said she just observed how I do things that’s why she knows how to. She helps me fold the clothes, assists me in vacuuming and mopping the floor; she gives me hand in washing our clothes, door mats and rugs even. She would wash the dishes with me (if his daddy is busy because that’s daddy’s expertise lol). And she will be proud of herself every time she will help.

Earlier I asked her why she wants to help me: “I want to learn how to be you so when I become a mommy, I know what to do. I know the other chores already because I see you” she said.

I don’t remember being this sweet and helpful to my mom when I was a kid but one thing is for sure, I was unconsciously watching my mother growing up. So yes it’s true. Kids are watching. It’s up to us to give them a good show.❤️

PS: I always tell Monica that she can be whatever or whoever she wants to be and that she will be even better than me. <3

Mothering Monica: Year Five

From a baby who blabbers to a little girl who aspires to write and illustrate books because that’s what she has imagined herself to be. This and more in Monica’s Year Five.

I remember when Monica was a newborn, I told myself I will breastfeed her for as long as she wants. Fast forward to today, she still breastfeeds and weaning is nowhere in sight. I remember asking her when she will stop and she would answer “on my birthday” only to extend until the next one.

I remember this year when Monica stayed home and did not have the chance to play with many kids. She lost the time to spend with family and friends. I remember her starting and ending the day in our little home because the threat of the pandemic is there. I remember us trying every activity possible just so she can get thru the day. I remember boredom paving way for your imagination to be limitless.

I remember you enjoying online school despite the challenges left and right. I remember you learning how to be patient and wait for your turn to sing or dance. I remember you cherishing your classmates and T. Lex because they mean so much.

I remember how happy you were with video calls and chat messages with family. It made you so excited knowing you can share your stories with them or play stickers and games on Messenger.

I remember us getting into plants; we would water them together, you will sing and talk to them. I remember setting up a very small inflatable pool in the balcony just so you will enjoy despite not being able to swim in the beach.

I remember when the condo admin finally allowed kids in the amenities area – it made you really happy. I remember going down to get some vitamin D — for you to run around and for mommy and daddy to exercise. I remember how this made us gain new family and new bubble. I remember you screaming, running, playing, and getting all sweaty with Kuya Jax and Riley. I remember the three of you being Super Speed, Speed Bubble, and Speed Weed and how you easily understood each other.

I remember when you bravely tried to “dive” in the pool; how you managed to swim on your own and overcame your fear of deep waters. I remember how it made you feel confident. I remember you composing a song based on the things I always tell you: “Don’t be scared, be brave. Don’t panic, it’s okay.”

I remember you looking for your books the moment you opened your eyes. I remember telling you I was never like that. I remember being honest to you when I don’t know  a lot of things. I remember directing you to your daddy because he knows more than I do. And that’s okay with you.

I remember how your face lit up every time we give you a new book. I remember all the stories you wrote, but I remember more of how happy it made you feel. Your eyes sparkle with every word you formed and every idea you thought of. I remember making a blog site for you so you can make more stories you can easily go back to. I remember tons of stories made in a pad paper, with illustrations and dialogues.

I remember when you were crying and I asked you to stop. You said “mommy let me cry first because my heart is still sad.” I remember the very first time you got mad at me. You didn’t want to hug me right away because you want to calm down first. You said you still love me but you just didn’t feel like hugging me. I remember shouting at you many many times because you wouldn’t go to bed early. Only for me to shower you with hugs and kisses in the middle of your sleep. 

I remember you reasoning out and standing your ground. I remember you being fearless of trying new things out but would scream frantically when you see insects flying around. I remember you being hard headed at times that it annoys us so much. I remember you finally eating on your own, and eating everything at that. But it does not mean it’s always stress-free because you eat soooooo slowly.

I remember you asking for “hug break” whenever your daddy is working. I remember you looking forward to Saturdays because that’s when you and daddy watch a movie. I remember your daddy reading a story every night even though he’s busy. I remember you hugging and kissing me 1000x a day because you want to show me you love me. I remember you asking me to play Scrabble, Pick-up Sticks, Whisper Whisper, Rock Paper Scissors, and Mommy-Monica game with you. I remember reading bible stories and devotions with you on most nights.

I remember when we finally decided to get a house so you can have more space to play. I remember telling you that you’ll have your own room and we’ll build book shelves for you.

I remember getting my time back — I remember taking 1-2 hours so I can workout and you understood why. I remember feeling good about myself but sometimes doubt if I am contributing just right.

I remember this year to be challenging but this pandemic proved that the three of us can live harmoniously (most of the time) in our small unit 24/7. I remember how our family has thrived to adjust and just accept reality as it is without getting bitter. I remember us looking forward to better days ahead.

I can try to remember many things for the past years but on your 5th birthday tomorrow, June 24, I want YOU to remember how life was for us through mommy’s words in this blog. I want you to always remember that you are loved. We love you so much, anak. May you continue to shine and spread your light. Happy birthday to our bright little star.

Mothering Monica: Year Four

The words you say now all make sense; you express what you feel, you say what you want. What a feisty yet sweet little girl you are turning to be.

I remember your first day in school as an official student, not “saling-pusa” anymore. I was nervous but you were confident – happy and excited. Never a trace of separation anxiety.

I remember celebrating your 3rd birthday in school which you vividly remember till this day – the Jollibee chickenjoy, the Red Ribbon cake with traffic signs as toppers, the birthday song from your classmates.

I remember feeling a bit frustrated because you never liked doodling, coloring, or even touching your pencil. I remember feeling a bit jealous about other kids your age because they color oh so fine. But I remember stopping myself from feeling the pressure and instead wait for you to be ready. I remember you writing on your own a month after your 3rd birthday. And you did it without any help at all. I remember that day so well; you held your pencil and paper and wrote the word CHEESE — just copying what you saw from a chips wrapper.

I remember feeling so ecstatic because you finally learned how to write. And since that day, you were unstoppable. You hated tracing letters and numbers but were always game to write freestyle.

I remember the first time you read sight words. You were 3 years and 2 months old. I purposely did not mind it because I know kids tend to memorize fast especially words they are familiar with. But deep inside, I remember feeling so proud. I remember you finally reading for real at 3 years and 6 months — from simple sentences to long paragraphs. I remember you reading 5 books a night and you just won’t stop. I remember getting a lot of questions from others on how we taught you how to read and all I could say was “we just let her.”

I remember all the school activities we attended. You became more confident in front of many people. You were not scared to dance and sing. You were not a very assertive child but you know how to express how you feel and what you want. I remember you being friendly to almost anyone you played with. I remember you being sensitive when someone is happy or sad.

I remember taking you out to a lot of Mommy and Monica dates. We would eat out, play around, window shop, try on clothes, ride Grab or jeepney together. You and I were always together. I remember going to the coffee shop with you; I will finish my article and you will color and play on your own. I remember bringing you to palengke or supermarket and you will just smile ‘to people we’ve come across with. I remember taking you to events, you would just behave and let mommy “work” while you play.

I remember having a much longer time for myself whenever I go out because I can already leave you with daddy without you making a fuss. I remember you being okay not to breastfeed for a max of 6 hours and just play with daddy the whole time.

I remember how our family would always go to the mall, but this time, no more stroller or carrier for you. I remember you walking in the mall like a big girl already. I remember bringing you to toy stores and allowing you to play but not buying everything you want. And I remember you being okay with that. I remember bringing you to the cinema. I remember the Frozen fever. I remember family dates, either just us three, or with another family.

I remember this year, we have successfully eliminated the use of gadget after almost a year of being a slave to it. It was not a good influence at all so we decided to cut it out completely and the result was amazing. You’ve never thrown a tantrum, your focus improved, and your imagination was superb.

I remember so many accomplishments and milestones this year and so are the kulit and away moments. You’re still a child and sometimes you test my patience so bad. But I remember you saying you love me as if I never shouted at you. You would still embrace me even after getting into a fight with you.

I remember having so many plans for the summer and your 4th birthday but the pandemic happened. The great outdoors suddenly became a threat to people especially to kids like you. I remember feeling bad about this but we had no choice but follow. We maximized what we have inside our small home. Every corner was utilized just so you not feel left out. Thankfully, you understood what’s going on but my heart still aches because we want you to have fun outside. All of a sudden, we’re forced to stay home and not meet our families and friends. It was hard for adults, more so for kids. I felt like you were robbed of your childhood but you thrived. You never whined, you never complained. You went with the flow. That’s how you maintained your glow.

I remember this year when I thought it was all just about read and write, but with the things that happened, you proved that you’re more than just that. And in just a snap, we will be entering Year Five.