It’s been a year since we visited her pedia; thank God she’s been well the whole time. However, I was told she needed booster shots (4in1 and PCV) for her age. Thankfully, Dra. Gellina Ann Suderio – Maala does home visits and is very nice and friendly to kids.
The night before the schedule, I prepped Monica and told her what she should expect — that the injections may or may not hurt and that vaccines are very important. She understood and got excited.
To cut it short, Doc Gel came and gave her boosters. No cry no fuss. Big girl na talaga. And she even shared her insights about vaccines. She even wrote about her experience and has been talking about it nonstop.
And as per Monica’s words: “Kids should not be scared of vaccines. Virus vaccines make everyone go out.”
PS: Video, picture, and captions posted have been approved by this little kulit0:05 / 0:28

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